Behind the scenes. Ahead of the trends.

We asked our Taylor Rep a few questions...
September 8, 2022
Stick around Haggerty's a while and you're sure to run into our Taylor Guitars Rep, Eric Sakimoto. We wanted to know more - who is this mysterious man behind the guitar - so we talked him into doing a Q&A-style interview. Here's what we learned. Read on >>

Join Our Text Club
August 26, 2022
Just text MUSIC to 833-982-1402 and you could be the winner of a $50 gift certificate! You'll also get 10% off your next purchase, ongoing member-only deals, and early access to event details. Read on >>

FREE Jazz Masterclass by Alex Massa (Cancelled)
Happening September 1 & 8, 2022
Alex Massa is excited to present a two part class on jazz improvisation on September 1st & 8th at 6 PM. This two-class course will focus on foundational aspects of jazz improvisation, song forms, theory, and active listening. Read on >>

Band & Orchestra Instrument Checklist
August 15, 2022
Your child’s school instrument will likely stay in the family for a long time. That's why it’s important you choose a quality instrument from the start that will hold up to years of frequent use! Here’s what to look for. Read on >>

4-Week Beginner Guitar Course (Aberdeen Only)
Starts July 30, 2022
Seize your Saturdays! Manager Chad Voight invites you to our FREE 4-week group course for beginners, a $100 value. By the end, you'll be able to play "Ring of Fire" and be feeling pretty comfortable on your six string! You will succeed! Read on >>

Welcome, Band and Orchestra Season!
July 19, 2022
We're here to make music education accessible for students and easy for parents. We carry quality instruments that are easier to learn on and rentals start at just $20/month. There's no long-term commitment. Repairs are guaranteed. *Now through August 1st, get a free music stand and care kit when you rent or buy!! The payments won't start until September 1st!!* Read on >>