Behind the scenes. Ahead of the trends.

Jazz Masterclass RSVP
September 1 & 8, 2022
Alex Massa is excited to present a two part class on jazz improvisation on September 1st & 8th at 6 PM. This two-class course will focus on foundational aspects of jazz improvisation, song forms, theory, and active listening. Get registered now as space is limited! Read on >>

Band & Orchestra Instrument Checklist
August 15, 2022
Your child’s school instrument will likely stay in the family for a long time. That's why it’s important you choose a quality instrument from the start that will hold up to years of frequent use! Here’s what to look for. Read on >>

Welcome, Band and Orchestra Season!
July 19, 2022
We're here to make music education accessible for students and easy for parents. We carry quality instruments that are easier to learn on and rentals start at just $20/month. There's no long-term commitment. Repairs are guaranteed. *Now through August 1st, get a free music stand and care kit when you rent or buy!! The payments won't start until September 1st!!* Read on >>

Caring for a Band Instrument 101
August 11, 2021 | Band & Orchestra, Parents
The kids are heading back to school and many are picking up an instrument for the first time! It's an exciting transition for kids, and pretty obnoxious for parents and siblings. While we can't help you with that, we can offer up some insight on keeping an instrument in good shape and out of our luthiers' repair shop. Read on >>
Band & Orchestra
Care Tips
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